Start a Fire with Bacon Grease shorts
Out of lighter fluid? Electric iron on the fritz? Well, grab some bacon grease and get this fire started! • This is an excellent fire starting hack that I've used countless times when my usual charcoal lighting options run out. Since #shorts are a thing now, I thought to throw together a quick video to show y'all how to light a fire in a pinch with what should already be lying around your kitchen. Enjoy! • Any true bacon connoisseur has some bacon grease lying around in a jar, but if you don't... cook yourself some bacon, save the drippings, then you'll be ready to rock! • Follow me on Instagram: OutdoorIndoorTexan • Like excellent BBQ seasoning? The good folks at Musket Powder Seasoning have offered me a discount code I can pass on to my viewers! • If you like BBQ rubs and seasonings with exceptional taste and versatility, give Musket Powder a visit, and pick up a bottle or two. • Use Discount Code: Texan10 and receive 10% off your entire order! • • Thank y'all so much for watching! If you have any questions or if there's anything you'd like to see, feel free to leave a comment below. I'm always up for talking food, trying new things, and helping others discover new recipes. • If you like what you see, please make sure to Like Subscribe to the channel. I post new content weekly or bi-weekly and would love to have you along for the ride. • -Drew