Beyerdynamic FOX Microphone Review A Blue YETI Competitor


This is the Beyerdynamic FOX. A USB condenser microphone that competes against many other mics in the $100-200 price range. But with its small size, and stiff competition. How will this little guy compete? Let’s find out with a little review. • Amazon Affiliate Link: • Beyer Dynamic FOX USB Condenser Microphone: • • Straight out of the box you get the Beyerdynamic FOX, a stand, wind shield, a mount converter, and this obnoxiously orange usb-c to usb a cable. That’s right. A USB type-C cable. This is the FUTURE. Now let’s look at the body of the mic. What really stood out to me was actually how it had a nice feel in the hand. It feels premium being cold to the touch and has a nice heft to it. The design is overall good. I like how it’s in-offensive looking yet you can tell this thing isn’t built cheaply. • The mic has a gain switch on the back and a usb type – c port that you plug the supplied cable into. I can also confirm that the mic does / does not work with a usb c to usb c cable as well, which is nice. The front of the mic has a headphone jack, a volume knob to control the volume going into the headphones, a mute button for the mic, and a mix button that allows you to mix between what’s coming out of the mic, and audio from the computer. I personally, think that’s a really cool feature to have, to be aware of everything that’s going on around you. • Now onto mic quality. I tried doing a couple of things to really get the use of this mic. Because on their website they advertise it as a mic fit for studio recording, game streaming, and youtubers. I wanted to put it through the paces. I’m gonna try singing, not me of course I can’t sing, keyboard typing and mouse clicking, and just plain talking into the mic. And I’m going to do that while comparing it to the popular youtuber usb mic. The blue yeti, and see how it goes. Here’s the results. • • The biggest differences between these mics are their gains. The gain even when set to high on the FOX is tiny. It feels like they did this on purpose to accommodate instruments and vocals, which can get pretty loud, but at the same time, regular speaking volume is a bit weak, your mouth has to be pretty close to the mic for it to pick up enough sound. • Here are some negatives of the Beyerdynamic FOX that I found. The stand, just isn’t that good. It can tilt the mic back and forth and you can swivel the mic, but it just feels so cheap and plasticky. Combined with the fact that the mic needs to be close to your face to pick up good audio means that this stand holds it back. Instruments will probably be okay. Next, the standard thread mount on the mic is slightly larger than a standard tripod mount, meaning using those are out of the option, but it does come with a 5/8” adapter which is good. • Overall, I think this is a nice mic, it’s priced competitively and it’s small size makes it an easy travel companion as well for quick recording setup. I think the mic is a great option if you’re looking for a usb mic in the sub $200 price range. Its build quality and size exceeds the blue yeti but the stand could use some work or be downright replaced. If you’re looking for something that sounds good, doesn’t flat out destroy your bank account, is small, feels premium and want a simple plug and play solution this beyerdyamic fox might be it. If you’re looking for an XLR option or don’t mind the more tedious setup for stronger sound, this ain’t it. • Anyway guys, what do you think? Does a usb mic around $180 have a place in this world? Or at that price do you consider XLR options? Leave that in the comment section below, if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up, and well, don’t forget to subscribe, I’ll see you guys next time.


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