GAM GAM instrumental version Elie Botbol arr Doppel


Concert Band • (Children Choir ad libitum) • • Performance: Orchestra di Fiati Fiatinsieme • Conductor: Enea Tonetti • “Gam Gam” is the title of a song in Hebrew language written by Elie Botbol, which incorporates the fourth verse of David’s Psalm 23 from the Old Testament. The song has become a symbol of the Holocaust which, unfortunately, involved not only adults but also a million and a half children who were interned in Nazi concentration camps. “Gam Gam” is usually sung by schoolchildren on the international Remembrance Day on January 27. • The music, in klezmer style, has also inspired Ennio Morricone who, in 1993, included it in the soundtrack of the film Jonah Who Lived in the Whale (released in the United States as Look to the Sky.) In the movie, a female teacher teaches the song to Jonah and the other children in a Nazi camp.


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