graphene TCPG extreme thermal conductivity
Learn more about us and our products on our new (2024) website: • • Demonstration of the amazing thermal properties of TCPG. • Layers of endless perfect aligned Graphite crystals showing an amazing thermal conductivity of 1900 W/mK in the X-Y plane. • Not yet close to the perfect Graphene which theoretical value is 4400 W/mK • More than double the thermal conductivity of pure Diamond. • Still TCPG thermal conductivity is 5x better compared to Copper and Silver. • Building TCPG in your Aluminium design (package) will boost the thermal properties of your Aluminium design. • Beside thermal conductive it is also electrical superconductive at room temperature. With the right setup of magnets it is hovering endlessly above the magnets at 20 C • Even better is the diffusivity, the heat transfer speed. • Because of the low specific weight compared to Copper (4x lower), the heat transfer speed is 20x higher compared to Copper. • Touching the icecube, you will feel the cold ice temperature reaching your fingers in 1 second. The energy flows from your finger to the edge where it touches the ice and the ice melts away. • With Copper it will take around 20 seconds over the same distance. • It is used at CERN for the Atlas project to cool the sensors from a long distance without using fluid cooling. • TCPG is still pretty expensive because the energy that is used to reach the extreme temperature of over 3200 Celsius to process the material. • samples, more info on: [email protected]