Inspekcija za prijem kiparskih helikoptera Mi35P Reception Inspection of Cypriot Mi35P Helicopters


#mi35p #kipar #cyprus #helikopter #vojskasrbije #serbianarmy #helicopter #helikopter #mi35m #mi24 #airforce #russia #serbianairforce #rusija #srbija #serbia #naoruzanje #armament #arms #weapons #oruzje #rv #pvo • Minister of Defense of Serbia Vucevic visited the Republic of Cyprus and Minister of Defense Mihalis Jorgalas and on that occasion visited Mi-35P assault helicopters scheduled for delivery to the Serbian Armed Forces. • On that occasion, the Minister of Defense of Serbia visited the tactical-technical meeting where the Mi-35P helicopters and the weapons used by the National Guard of Cyprus were exhibited. • What is known so far is that after the accident of one Mi-35P assault landing helicopter of the Cyprus National Guard, eleven more helicopters of this type remained in their fleet, and that of those eleven, five remained in flight, and precisely those five are the subject of purchase and transfer to units of the Serbian Air Force. • These helicopters are expected to be overhauled and modernized in order to bring their capabilities to the approximate level of the Mi-35M version helicopters that the Serbian Army currently has in its fleet, because it is known that the Cypriot Mi-35P helicopters have the ability to fly at night, but not to operate in bad and night conditions. conditions, due to older avionics. • If the Russian experts of the company Rosvertol are not able to come to Serbia and deliver the necessary spare parts, these helicopters will not be able to fly later than 2026 due to the exhaustion of resources. • Ministar odbrane Srbije Vučević bio u poseti Republici Kipar i ministru odbrane Mihalisu Jorgalasu i tom prilikom obišao jurišno-desantne helikoptere Mi-35P predviđene za isporuku Vojsci Srbije. • Tom prilikom ministar odbrane Srbije je obišao taktičko-tehnički zbor na kome su bili izloženi i helikopteri Mi-35P i naoružanje koje koriste u Nacionalnoj Gardi Kipra. • Ono što je do sada poznato je da je nakon udesa jednog jurišnog desantnog helikoptera Mi-35P Nacionalne Garde Kipra u njihovoj floti ostalo još jedanaest helikoptera ovog tipa i da je od tih jedanaest u letu ostalo pet i upravo tih pet je predmet kupovine i transfera u jedinice srpskog ratnog vazduhoplovstva. • Ove helikoptere očekuje remont i modernizacija kako bi se njihove sposobnosti dovele na približni nivo helikoptera verzije Mi-35M koje danas Vojska Srbije u svojoj floti, jer je poznato da kiparski helikopteri Mi-35P imaju mogućnost letenja noću, ali ne i dejstva u lošim i noćnim uslovima, zbog starije avionike. • Ako ruski stručnjaci kompanije “Rosvertol” ne budu mogli da dođu u Srbiju i da dopreme potrebne rezervne delove, ovi helikopteri neće moći da lete kasnije od 2026. godine zbog isteka resursa.


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