DEC Alpha
In the 90's the Alpha processor was one of the most powerful CPUs you could lay your hands on. With a number of operating systems available for it, from both DEC (VMS, Tru64) and 3rd parties. It even have the most successful none x86 port of Windows NT. For many the Alpha was then next machine up if their x86 PC just did not have the CPU power they needed. • BN: In the intro I say the PDP-11 is 8bit, its not its 16bit. That was a slip of the tongue, I even wrote 16bit in my script, is that what I said no, did I spot it after watching through the video many many times, no. • Information about Sixel • This video is sponsored by PCBWay ( • 0:00 - Introduction • 0:14 - A word from our sponsor • 0:23 - The background • 1:30 - VAX • 3:05 - VAX Cluster • 4:05 - Terminals • 5:32 - ReGIS Sixel (the best thing most people don't know about terminals) • 6:51 - Cisc/Risc • 7:40 - Prism • 9:51 - Riscy VAX • 10:38 - Alpha • 11:18 - Alpha Personal Workstation 500 Tour • 16:03 - VMS on Alpha • 16:34 - Tru64 on Alpha • 17:21 - Trouble at mill • 18:39 - Infamy infamy they've all got it in for me • 20:19 - The state of the market • 21:04 - Compaq buys DEC (but Alpha grows market share) • 26:14 - The demise of Compaq • 26:53 - End of the road for Alpha • 28:13 - What did DEC ever do for us ? • 29:56 - Thanks for watching