Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield One Man Mission 15 Steel Rose Elite 12
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Mission : 15 • Operation: Steel Rose • Difficulty : Elite • Mission Objective(s) • Neutralize all terrorists • Neutralize Gospic • Prevent bomb detonation • Finally, the last mission in this series and I have finally completed it. • This mission reminds me of Zero Gambit , the final mission in Rogue Spear series. There are a objective to prevent serious disaster from terrorist operation and a boss located at the final destination. However, this mission is a bit easier that there is only single place the terrorists can activate the bomb and you can permanently disarm it. And comparing to previous mission Whisper Blade , I think this mission is also easier due to less tangos and most of them can be sniped easily. Their locations are much more predictable as I could go on this mission without heartbeat sensor. • Start from 9:18, I tried to snipe the only tango left who patrolling near the windows of the hotel. But when he really appeared, I missed a lot of times trying to take him down. This was the most epic fail moment of me in one man mission series -_- . You can skip to the 2nd part that I had finally take him down. • This video is created using Ubisoft game content. • For legal information please see: http://help.ubi.com/video