Peter Pearce on Morphology and High Performance Design
This video is from Peter Pearce's presentation Morphology and High Performance Design from Spitfires to the Pearce Ecohouse at the Synergetics Collaborative's Third Biennial Design Science Symposium at RISD (12 Nov 2011). • 1.6G MB MP4: • Third Biennial Design Science Symposium on Nature, Geometry, and the Symmetry of Space: Tetrahedron Discovers Itself and Universe at RISD brought together more than 100 people from around the world to discuss core elements of Buckminster Fuller's Design Science and Synergetics legacy. • The Synergetics Collaborative and The Edna Lawrence Nature Lab at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) have organized Biennial Design Science Symposia at RISD since 2007. These symposia explore the field of Design Science and provide an interactive meeting of makers, thinkers, practitioners and educators. We strive to keep the work of R. Buckminster Fuller current, relevant, and applied. Fuller's design approach as comprehensive anticipatory design science combines an emphasis on individual initiative and integrity with whole systems thinking, scientific rigor and faithful reliance on nature's underlying principles. • The Synergetics Collaborative (SNEC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organizing events for anyone with an interest in learning about or building upon Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics. • Video Editor: Victor Acevedo, Digital artist and Visual Music producer/director. A member of the Synergetics Collaborative and a long-time student of RBF and Synergetics. Recently he's been working with Collaborative member Thomas Miller on his Newtools project. • (C) 2013 Synergetics Collaborative and RISD