The HORRIFIC Murder Of Thomas Becket Archbishop Of Canterbury


One of the most well known stories of the Middle Ages is the fate of Archbishop of Canterbury, Saint Thomas Becket. Whilst inside his own cathedral at Canterbury, he was slain by a group of knights and murdered in brutal and barbaric fashion. Becket was close with King Henry II at a time, however as time went on they drifted apart and tensions between the two rose. • Henry II appointed Becket as his Lord Chancellor initially and they had an incredibly strong relationship, enjoying the same things and partying with money from the royal treasury. Becket was recommended to become the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Henry saw this as an opportunity to put his best friend in a powerful position in the Church. But Becket when he became Archbishop changed his life, and became an incredibly pious and quiet man shunning his old former life. With this the King became rather frustrated, and following this exiled his friend from France. • When Becket returned, he was given a heroes welcome but further tension with the King arose. Henry out of frustration uttered the words, 'Will no-one rid me of this troublesome priest!' Hearing this a group of knights rode to Canterbury and brutally assassinated Thomas Becket, believing it to have been a royal order. Becket was horrifically murdered and the accounts of his death are barbaric, but following this he instantly became a saint. Henry II would deeply regret his words, and ended up paying penance for his actions. • So join us today as we look at, 'The Horrific Murder Of Thomas Becket.' • • Thanks for watching! Support the channel by subscribing, liking, and sharing. • Follow me on Twitter:   / theuntoldpast   • Follow me on Instagram: • Disclaimer: All opinions and comment stated below in the Comments section do not represent the opinion of TheUntoldPast. All opinions and comments and dialogue should discuss the video above in a historical manner. • TheUntoldPast does not accept any racism, profanity, insults, sexism or any negative discussion aimed at an individual. TheUntoldPast has the right to delete any comment with this content inside it and also ban the user from the channel. • Music - I Am A Man Who Will Fight For Your Honour - Chris Zabriskie.


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