Top 5 Wood Puzzles from Puzzle Master
These Top 5 Wood Puzzles from Puzzle Master are timeless classics, which can be enjoyed by all! • Captain Nemo's Nautilus - Escape Room In A Box: • Casino: • Safe: • The Waiter's Tray: • Architecto - Wooden DIY Puzzle Box Kit: • Excaliburr: • Davy Jones Locker - Escape Room In A Box: • Owl In A Cage: • Voidlock: • 20 Cent Box: • Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: / puzzlemastercanada • Follow us on Facebook: / puzzlemasterinc • Visit our website to find thousands of puzzles: • The Cluebox is an interactive, manually assembled wooden box with various puzzles, which have to be solved one after the other to open the box. Very much like an Escape Room in a handy format! The solution to each and every puzzle is based not on randomness, but only on logical decisions. • The Cluebox is an intriguing challenge. It's difficult to solve, satisfying to hold, and beautiful to display. Captain Nemo's Nautilus is the third and most sophisticated Cluebox so far. It has the highest number of riddles and new mechanisms which will make your puzzle adventure unforgettable! • Puzzle Master is a Canadian distributor of a large assortment of disentanglement puzzles, wood puzzles, cast puzzles, metal puzzles, wire puzzles, brain teasers, jigsaw puzzles, puzzle boxes, puzzle rings, trick puzzle locks, maze puzzles, puzzle games, boomerangs, chess sets, and other great toys, puzzles and games. The company started because of an interest the owner, Allan Stein, had in collecting wire puzzles. Allan collected these puzzles for a few years before he thought of making them himself. Once he found out that he was able to make the puzzles successfully he thought Why don’t I try to sell some of the puzzles at craft shows and see if there are people who like them as much as I do . At the craft shows he found that not only did the people like the puzzles, they loved them. These craft shows were the first way that Puzzle Master marketed these puzzles. • After selling at the craft shows for a few years, Allan decided to try and sell at some of the malls in Saskatoon. He rented a temporary location two weeks prior to Christmas and was totally amazed how quickly the puzzles sold. He subsequently ran out of the puzzles in 7 days. It was at that point that he realized that he had a business that was going to be viable. To this day we still have many businesses who sell at temporary locations a few weeks prior to Christmas. • In the beginning Allan made traditional puzzles that had been invented hundreds and even thousands of years ago. Now Allan is taking those traditional designs and adding his own unique touch. • Now Puzzle Master is the number one seller of puzzles online in the world. • • Top 5 Wood Puzzles from Puzzle Master