Bushcraft How To Tie An Evenk Hitch
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http://paulkirtley.co.uk/ • The Evenk hitch is a really useful knot for quickly attaching a fixed line to an upright such as a tree - ideal for quickly pitching a tarp. It's also useful for setting up a hanging line under your tarp (see http://frontierbushcraft.com/2012/04/... for tips on how to get organised under your tarp). • When you need to air your sleeping bag in the morning, you can use this hitch to string up a bit of paracord between two trees in the sunshine (use a round turn and two half hitches or a taut tarp hitch at the other end). Similarly it's useful for even popping up a quick drying line in camp when you come to wash your clothes on extended wilderness trips. • The knot tied is effectively a slippery figure-of-eight knot with the added feature of a quick release. • Used by the Evenk reindeer herders of Siberia, this knot developed as a quick way to tie off reindeer to trees without needing to expose your hands to the cold for very long, tying other fiddly knots. • This video forms part of a series of 20 FREE videos I've made to help people with wilderness bushcraft, survival skills and general outdoor life. • To get instant access to the other free videos, you should visit • http://paulkirtley.co.uk/free-tips-an...