How To Tell The Difference Between A Goose And A Gander


You don't need to turn your geese upside down to sex them -- there are clear differences in appearance and behaviour which will help you work our which is male and which is female... • Of course, things get a bit trickier if you only have one, or if they are the same - but we hope this gives you some clues. If you're still not sure, then you might consider turning them upside down and having a look. But geese are very proud animals and find that sort of thing a real infringement of their dignity, so only do that if you really need to. (The penis will protrude when gentle pressure is applied around it. If you don't see one that could mean that you have a female, but it could also mean that you haven't done it right.) • • Here's our online store where you can see some of the craft things we make and sell.. • • and here's our Patreon page.. • • • Copyright WayOutWest. All rights reserved. Please share if you like, but don’t copy or use without permission. Just get in touch via email blowinblog @ • Don’t steal our stuff!


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