How to Hand Wash Cloth Diapers Tub amp Plunger Routine
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ - Here is how you can wash cloth diapers at home if you do not have a washer or dryer. By using your bathtub, a plunger, and some detergent you can hand wash your diapers. I have twins - so if I can do it, so can you! • In this video my pocket diapers are stuffed with gerber flats. I recommend purchasing a new plunger to be used solely for the act of diaper washing. Don't forget to dump the poop in the toilet prior to washing. • 1. Cold/Warm water rinse. • 2. Hot water wash and soak with detergent. • 3. Cold water rinse. • 4. Ring out and hang dry. • Pregnant? We cloth diapered 3 of our 4 kids, and estimate we saved THOUSANDS of dollars. In fact I started my YouTube channel as MsDiaperD , sharing over 80 cloth diaper video tutorials. • Cloth Diapering 101 • Build Your Cloth Diaper Stash Here: • * • ツ S U B S C R I B E (it's FREE) • • Hey there! I'm Dana. I'm a wife and Mother to 4 kids, including twin boys and two girls. I work full time outside the home in finance as a Corporate Accountant, but enjoy sharing my personal and parenting journey online. We live in the Philadelphia area. • Follow Me on Instagram @DebtFreeDana • *Please be advised that some of the links above are affiliate links and I do receive a very small commission if you make a purchase using those links. I appreciate your support if you do, and if you don’t - no worries. We’re still buds. HUGS! • ********************** • Thanks to Kevin MacLeod for the use of his music! • 'Digya' is available at • Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0