Ansys Discovery Introduction Simulation for the Design Engineer Ansys Virtual Academy
Subscribe to Ansys Virtual Academy ►► • In this session we present on how Ansys Discovery can help design engineers perform simulation-driven design exploration and verification. Learn how to quickly, easily and accurately take the guess-work out of designs by leveraging Ansys simulation technology. We will be covering the following topics in this session: • -An overview of Ansys Discovery and how it can help with rapid simulation-led design • -Introduction to the Discovery GUI and its highly interactive environment • -Demonstrate how you can leverage real-time simulation to quickly explore design variations • -Demonstrate how perform design verification using Ansys Mechanical and Fluent solvers under the hood • Follow us: • Facebook ►► / ketivtech • Twitter ►► / ketivtech • LinkedIn ►► / ketiv-technologies-inc • Blog ►► • #KETIV #AVA #AnsysDiscovery