Tips On Fuel Cell Vs Fuel Tank


When building an off-road rig, in order to pass tech, you often can't use the OEM fuel tank. So in the case of the XOR Pre-Runner, a fuel cell can be the best choice. They chose the fuel cell option because it's safer, stronger, has all the ports for fuel injection, and can be mounted anywhere. Co-host, Jeremy, runs through the basics of the functions and benefits of the fuel cell. • All the ports on the cell have a purpose. The bottom ports are for the fuel outlet. They sit low in the tank and should be faced toward the rear of the truck so when you stomp on the throttle, all the fuel runs towards the fittings. The top ports do two different things: one is for the return line from the fuel system and the other is a safety rollover valve and vent combined. The caps covers a large diameter hole to help re-fuel quickly and has a safety latch to keep it in place. Lastly is the fuel sending unit which tells you how much fuel is in your cell. • Inside the cell are actually anti-slosh measures. The first are aluminum baffles along with foam on the sides and bottom of the cell. There are lots of size options for fuel cells, some will even bolt into your stock location. You can also choose different cell materials, like aluminum, steel or plastic. • One of the main things to think about when choosing is safety. You want to choose the right option based on the individual application. • Websites: • • • • • Facebook Pages: • • PowerNation -   / powernationtv   • PowerBlock -   / powerblocktv   • PowerNation Daily -   / powernationdaily   • Detroit Muscle -   / detroitmuscletv   • Engine Power -   / enginepowertv   • Truck Tech -   / trucktechtv   • Xtreme Off Road -   / xtremeoffroadtv   • • Twitter: • • PowerNation -   / powernationtv   • PowerBlock -   / powerblocktv   • • Instagram: • • PowerNation - @PowerNationTV • PowerBlock - @PowerBlockTV


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