This NEEDS to be Nerfed


#creaturesofsonaria #roblox • The LSS event added a ton of cool stuff to the game, including 4 plushies. However, the Void Plushie gives 12.5% damage and removes -2.5% speed. Simply equipping 2 of them grants you 25% extra damage basically for free, as losing 5% speed is not a meaningful downside in nearly all cases. I think it should definitely be nerfed, as it is a big outlier compared to other plushies. Using 2 void's on big creatures or big damage creatures simply exaggerates their strength, making you hit for over 1000 damage VERY easily. I hope you enjoy, I apologize for the lack of videos this weekend as I've come down with a cold. Have a good sunday! • Like and subscribe! I would love to be able to eventually host big events on Creatures of Sonaria, as it's an amazing sandbox to host some cool scenarios in. • P.S, If me or my friend's killed you in the video, or at any point, I'm sorry, we don't mean any hate or toxicity.


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