Noise Barrier Walls How They Are Made


If you heard the difference you know how powerful the LSE noise barrier system really is. But what makes it so effective? • The proprietary Sound Fighter LSE panel developed exclusively by Sound Fighter engineers is uniquely designed and crafted to provide the world’s most effective absorption technology. • The LSE panel is constructed from materials that are water resistant, rust proof, non corrosive and extremely durable in the harshest outdoor environments. Since there is absolutely no metal contained within the panel the product will hold up to environments containing high moisture and corrosives. • Without the need for ongoing painting and maintenance. For the LSE exterior Sound Fighter utilizes a high density UV and color stabilized synthetic shell. Next premium acoustic absorptive material is inserted to absorb unwanted noise by completely defusing the sound waves. • The LSE panels also contain an acoustic soundboard that eliminates noise from penetrating through it. The finished LSE panels are independently self-draining and lock securely into place when stacked into the steel frame work. • This combination of proprietary design and especially crafted material makes the Sound Fighter absorptive barrier system one of the highest performing absorptive barrier walls today. • As a result the LSE system has been a proven success in applications around the world for over 40 years. • This content provided with a creative commons share-alike, attribution license. You are free to use so long as you give attribution to Sound Fighter Sound Barriers and link to


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