Triple Zottman Curls for Bigger Better Arms


The original Zottman Curl is a fantastic exercise for targeting the two major upper arm flexors...the biceps and the brachialis. • In that exercise, you perform a supinated dumbbell curl to the top, then rotate your forearm around to the pronated position and perform a reverse curl on the way down. The supinated dumbbell curl is a stronger exercise, which allows you to get more weight into position for the weaker exercise (the reverse curl) on the way down. • With the Triple Zottman Curl, we're going to switch things up and add in a THIRD position (hence the name) to more fully work the upper arms and forearms. • The concept is still the same in terms of using a stronger exercise on the positive...however in this case, we'll be using TWO exercises on the negative to more thoroughly work the upper arm flexors and take better advantage of the strengths and weaknesses of each movement. • One of the key points to remember with this technique is that it's not about's about TENSION on the muscles. Perform this technique very deliberately and under control. • I would recommend aiming for about 6-8 reps on each arm with this technique. You don't want to go so heavy that you overwhelm your strength on the reverse curl, or so light that you get nothing out of the hammer curl. I'm using a pair of 35 lb dumbbells in the demo, and that was after performing another of other exercises for biceps, so if I was doing this one fresh, I would have used 40's or 45's. • Do 2-3 set of this one with about 90 seconds rest in between sets. • Overall, it's a fantastic technique to fully target all of your major upper arm flexors and build yourself some bigger arms. • -------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Add INCHES to your arms with this FREE sleeve-busting workout... • • -------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Subscribe to my YouTube channel and Facebook page for more unique exercises and unconventional training methods: • YouTube Channel ► • Facebook ►   / nicknilssonmadscientist   • Instagram ►   / nicknilsson1   • --- • Music courtesy of Consinity • YouTube:    / consinityband   • Facebook:   / consinity   • Amazon:


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