Fungal Intelligence Lead the way to improved technological systems
What could human engineers possibly learn from slime mold? Reliable, cost-efficient network construction, apparently: a recent experiment suggests that Physarum polycephalum, a gelatinous fungus-like mold, will actually lead the way to improved technological systems, such as more robust computer and mobile communication networks and AI problems. • This is the network formation in Physarum polycephalum. At t =0, a small plasmodium of Physarum was placed at the location of Tokyo in an experimental arena bounded by the Pacific coastline (white border) and supplemented with additional food sources at each of the major cities in the region. The plasmodium grew out from the initial food source with a contiguous margin and progressively colonized each of the food sources. Behind the growing margin, the spreading mycelium resolved into a network of tubes interconnecting the food sources. • More info: