Who Has the Right of Way at a 4Way AllWay STOP Sign
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=RVgSNkvl9jE
4-Way or All-WAY STOPs are complicated and a must know for a road test - watch the video. Get Your ROAD TEST CHECKLIST: https://www.smartdrivetest.com/pass-r... SUBSCRIBE TODAY! ► / smartdrivetest • #4waystoprightofway #smartdrivetest #passfirsttime • First foremost, know that there are different right-of-way rules for 2-Way and 4-Way STOP signed intersections. • GENERAL right-of-way rules at intersections are: • 1) Major road over minor road; • 2) Straight through traffic over turning traffic; • 3) Right turning traffic over left turning traffic. • For a 4-Way (All-Way) STOP signed intersection the basic right-of-way rules are: the first person to arrive, or give the right-of-way to the person on the right. • All drivers must give the right-of-way to pedestrians and scooters. • Cyclists and riders must obey the same rules as drivers. • And remember: the right-of-way is never taken, it is always given. • When 4-Way STOPs are busy, the lanes of traffic take turns proceeding through the intersection. • If two left-turning vehicles arrive at the intersection at the same time from opposite sides, the two vehicles can turn left simultaneously. • Turning vehicles must give the right-of-way to straight through traffic. • Good luck on your road test! • ************************ • www.smartdrivetest.com • www.facebook.com/smartdrivetest • www.twitter.com/smartdrivetest • www.instagram.com/smartdrivetest/ • **************** • MONETARILY SUPPORTING THE CHANNEL: • If you wish to support the channel monetarily, you can donate via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/smartdrivetest • This is appreciated and helps the channel, but please don't feel that it is necessary to be part of the smarter driver community. • ****************