How to Use Battery Heated Clothing from Venture Heat®


More info full list of Heated Clothing, Outdoor Heated Apparel Motorcycle Heated Gear: ★ ★ • In this Instructional Video Manual, Venture Heat® guides you and instructs you on how to use your Venture Heat® Battery Heated clothing apparel and heated motorcycle gear. • First, plug the adaptor into the wall, and then connect the batteries. The light will turn from red to green when the batteries are fully charged. Then connect the batteries to the heated garment inside pocket and hold the power button for 3 seconds to turn it on! Switch temperatures by clicking the button, and turn the garment back off again at any point by holding the button for 3 seconds. • • Venture Heat® is the manufacturer, pioneer and industry leader of wearable heated clothing apparel for winter sports, power sports enthusiasts and heated therapy pads for sports injury rehabilitation. • Disclaimer: Venture Heat® assumes no responsibility for the content contained within this video. This video submission is the property of Venture Heat® and in no way does Venture Heat® authorize reproduction, in whole or in part of any portion of this video. This video submission is used to show product performance of a Venture Heat® Brand Wearable technology and is not intended to show how said product is to be used. By viewing this video, you agree to hold Venture Heat® 100% NOT liable for any occurrences resulting from watching or attempting to replicate what is shown herein. #VentureHeat #HeatedClothing #WinterHeatedApparel #HeatedJacket #Heatedgloves #Heatedpants #Howtoinstall #Howto • • Los Alamitos, CA / Venture Heat is the industry leader of wearable heating technology. We manufacture and supply heated lifestyle products so you can keep your adventure going.


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