Classical Indian Philosophy School DvaitaAdvaita Vedanta by Acharya Nimbrka

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • Introduction: Nimbarka is also known as Nimbaditya and Niyamananda. He flourished around the 13th century in South of India. • He founded the sect which is today called the Nimbarkas, in which Lord Krishna is worshipped as a deity. • Nimbarka belongs to the Vaishnavism school where the supreme being or God is identified with Lord Krishna. • Literature: Nimbarka’s commentary on Brahma Sutras is called Vedanta Parijat Saurabha. • Nimbarka’s commentary on Bhagavad Gita is called Sadachar Prakasha. • Brahman/ Ishvara: Ishavra or Brahman, is the highest supreme reality. • He is a personal God. • He is endowed with positive qualities and is free from all defects. • Both, cit (soul) and acit (matter) are dependent on him. • CIT / Soul: Cit means individual soul. • It is atomic in size and it is innumerable in number. • Soul is although eternal but it goes through the cycle of re-birth because of presence of Karmas and Avidya (or ignorance). • Cit is both, the knowledge and the knower of the knowledge or the possessor of knowledge. • ACIT / Matter: Aprakrta: it is the super, immutable matter of which the divine body or Ishvara is made up of. • Prakrta: it is the primal matter, it is derived from Prakriti and has the three gunas, sattva, rajas and tamas. • Kala or time: it is the species of acit or matter. Nimbarka does not explain the concept of Kala in detail. • Bheda-Abheda Philosophy: In english, it means dualistic non-dualism. • It is also called Dvaita-advaita Vedanta or Sanaksampradaya. • The basic premise of the philosophy is that, cit and act are both different and non-different from Ishvara or Brahman. • Concept of Creation: He is the efficient cause because he creates the universe for the souls to reap the fruits of their karmas. • He is the material cause for the creation is a manifestation or transformation of his powers, that is cit and acit. • Nimbarka, thus, believes in the concept of “Parinama-vada,” or also known as “Brahma-Parinama-vada.” • #Brahma • #AcharyaNimbarka • #Vedanta • #Soul • Introduction @0:10 • Literature @0:48 • Brahman Ishvara @1:03 • CIT/SOUL @1:51 • Acit / Matter @2:47 • Bheda – Abheda Philosophy @3:26 • Concept of Creation @4:10 • Concept of Bondage @4:55 • Concept of Bondage of Liberation @5:25 • Panca – Sadhanas for attaining Liberation @6:40 #ugcnet #doorsteptutor #examrace


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