Mesial Temporal Sclerosis MTS Epilepsy
Watch more Epilepsy Seizure Disorders videos: • • Patty McGoldrick: So, one of the things you find often in people with epilepsy, especially people who've had a lot of seizures, is mesial temporal sclerosis, or hippocampal atrophy. So, those mesial temporal structures can be shrunken and smaller if there's been repeated seizures. • Steve Wolf: So, what we know is patients with partial complex seizures, the ones that come from the temporal lobe over here, deep inside is where the hippocampus is, and the hippocampus sort of look like a little sausage that's deep inside your brain. So, as Patty mentioned, repetitive seizures can scar it, infections, patients that have repeated febrile seizures, it can be scarred and can cause repeated seizures in adults. So, it's something that can be detected in a good MRI. • Patty: So, it's an area of the brain that controls memory. It's like a memory relay station. Some emotional stuff is located in the amygdala, that's right there next to the hippocampus. And what happens is that it's not working anymore to do anything useful, but it is generating seizures. • Steve: So, these patients that might respond very well to medication, and some of them might need surgery. So, hippocampal sclerosis, mesial temporal sclerosis, could be easily scarred inside the temporal lobe. It can be a cause of seizures. It's important to have that conversation with your doctors to find out whether that is the cause of your epilepsy, and to find out what's the right treatment.