First Time Removing Goat Scurs Homestead VLOG
Our Nigerian Drawf Buck, Dexter, has scars growing from where he was dehorned. The problem is they are growing in a circle and back into his head. So we need to cut them off, at least partially. This is our first time attempting to remove a scur from a goat. We are using a wire saw we bought from caprine supply. Removing this goat scur will definitely be a learning experience for us. • Dehorning Saw • • Our Facebook page: / countryviewacreshomestead • E-mail us at: [email protected] • Send Mail to: • Country View Acres • P.O. Box 469 • Robinson, IL 62454 • We live in southeastern Illinois on a 41 acres homestead. We just finished building our log cabin overlooking our pond. We are trying to grow our own food and raise livestock. Follow us on our journey living the rural life and developing our property and becoming more self sufficient.