ThingsBoard CE education Lesson 3 Telemetry
Welcome on ThingsBoard online education course. This is the best way to become a ThingsBoard guru. Subscribe this channel and step forward to best practices with the Platform. • What is telemetry? How this type of data helps you build real-time dashboards and IoT solutions. Lesson 3 is dedicated to all info about telemetry that might be useful for you. • Appendixes: • Use this command to push telemetry — mosquitto_pub -d -q 1 -h localhost -t v1/devices/me/telemetry -u DEVICE_ACCESS_TOKEN -m {'batteryLevel': 57} • Use this command to push different value types of telemetry — mosquitto_pub -d -q 1 -h localhost -t v1/devices/me/telemetry -u DEVICE_ACCESS_TOKEN -m {'batteryLevel': 10, 'temperature': 36.6, 'temperatureSensorEnabled': true, 'debugMsg': 'Debug message from device'} • Info about websocket API — • Note: • ThingsBoard CE education is a play-list with short and easy-to-perceive e-lessons. It's designed to reduce your time on discovering all possibilities of our open-source platform. Deploy ThingsBoard from and go through this play-list. • For more tutorials or particular how to's follow the mainstream — / thingsboard