Mainframe DB2 Interview Questions And Answers
Mainframe DB2 Interview Questions And Answers | Mainframe Guru Youtube Channel • Question 1. Is Declare Cursor Executable? - No. • Question 2. Can you have more than one cursor open at any one time in a program? - Yes • Question 3. What happens when you say OPEN CURSOR? Answer - If there is an ORDER BY clause used, rows are fetched, sorted and made available for the FETCH statement. Otherwise simply the cursor is placed on first row. • Question 4. How do you specify and use a cursor in a COBOL program? Answer - Use DECLARE CURSOR statement either in working storage or in procedure division (before open cursor), to specify the SELECT statement. Then use OPEN, FETCH rows and finally CLOSE. • Question 5. What is a cursor? Why should it be used? Answer - Cursor is used when more than one row of table is to be processed. Cursor allows COBOL program to retrieve the set of rows (result set) and then process that returned data one row at a time. Cursor can be thought of as data structure that holds all the resultant records of query. Cursor should be used because the host language can deal with only one row at a time. • Question 6. What are wildcard characters in SQL Query Where Clause? Answer - '%' (for a string of any character) and '_'(for any single character) are the two wild card characters used in LIKE for partial string matches. • #mainframeguru #MainframeDb2 #DB2Mainframe