Narcissism and People Pleasing
Practical steps for people-pleasers: • 1) Understand the difference between helping and people-pleasing: it’s in the motive. Genuine acts of kindness are free from the need for approval or fear of rejection and are, instead, motivated by a genuine desire to help or bring joy to others. • 2) Ask questions of your reactions: • Am I agreeing to do something because I genuinely want to, or am I afraid of the consequences of saying no? • If I was certain this person would not abandon me (and even still like me), what would I WANT to do? • After agreeing to do things for others, do I feel resentment or regret (followed by guilt) because I didn’t want to do it in the first place? • Am I constantly going out of my way to avoid disagreements or confrontations, even when I have strong feelings about the situation? • 3) Practice setting boundaries. This means saying “no” to requests that you would normally agree to out of obligation or fear, and being okay with not always being the 'yes' person. Remember: • It’s not your responsibility to manage everyone else’s emotions or reactions. • Your value does not depend on how much you do for others. • Saying “no” does not make you a bad person; it just means you're respecting your own limits. • #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #peoplepleaserproblems #narcissist #narcissistic #narcissism #healing #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthtips