INCREASE YOUR LIGHT AND LOVE QUOTIENT Subliminal Affirmations amp Reiki
🧿 INCREASE YOUR LIGHT AND LOVE QUOTIENT | Subliminal Affirmations Reiki • ❤️ If you want to give more than thanks, please make a contribution here: • ⭐ Check out my other channels: / @divinemanifestor / @reikimasterjonas • ---------------------------------------------- • Affirmations for Increasing your Light and Love Quotient • ◆ I am grateful that my light quotient is increasing and my love quotient is increasing • ◆ I am becoming more light and love as my light and love quotient increases • ◆ I am amazed at how much light and love that you feel in your system • ◆ My chakras are becoming more illumined with light and love • ◆ My being is filled with light and love • ◆ I am radiating and light and love to my surroundings and myself • ◆ I am illumened by the light that flows through me • ◆ My light quotient and my love quotient is increasing extensively • ◆ People are amazed that you are so loving and enlightened • ◆ My chakras and aura are filled with light and love • ◆ Every day you feel the ecstasy of light and love flowing through you • ◆ I feel my body and emotions becoming more light and love • ◆ I am consisting of light and love substance • ◆ And many more affirmations for Increasing your Light and Love Quotient • This video is also infused with Reiki Energies for Increasing your Spiritual Light Quotient and Love Quotient. You are encouraged to listen consistently to ensure optimal results. The affirmations are embedded in the music, just below your hearing level. Over time, your subconscious mind will accept the suggestions as true, and your reality, life and behaviour will transform accordingly. Listen at a comfortable volume. • 🎧 Works with or without headphones • Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume • Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery • 🎵 Music by IamThatIam888 from Pixabay • The Reiki energy transmitted in this video will reach you by using distance Reiki and the Reiki energy will work for your highest good. You will receive the healing that is for your most benevolent outcome and the energy will go where it is needed the most. This distance Reiki session can be used repeatedly and the results will build in a cumulative fashion, so the healing you recieve could be different depending on the state of your life and affairs at the time if you use it more than once. This Reiki session is given freely to all who would receive it, in the spirit of service to mankind. • Reiki is originally a Japanese form of energy healing where the Reiki Master channel Universal Energy for the benefit of the client and receiver. Reiki is constantly evolving and Reiki energy can be used in almost every area of life to heal, support, invigorate, empower and much more. Reiki works on subtle levels and is usually unseen for the normal person, but it can be a powerful and transformative tool that can be an enormous blessing in life if used correctly and consistenly. I pray that you will be blessed in the highest and most perfect way by this healing Reiki energy. Namaste. • ❤️ Thank you for watching this video. May you be Blessed! ❤️ • ---------------------------------------------- • DISCLAIMER: Reiki healing are known as a type of alternative medicine and a complementary energy modality and both Reiki and Hypnosis should not be used instead of medical treatments recommended by a health professional or doctor. It is recommended that you always seek the knowledge and recommendations of your doctor to solve any health issues that you may have. It is not recommended that you use Reiki, subliminal or hypnosis videos while driving or alike. Results from Reiki healing and Hypnosis may vary and/or take time as everyone is different in terms of their energysystems, psychology and sensitivity.