【SanDraw】S400 Silicone 3D Printer Demo video
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S400 is the world's first large-size silicone 3D printer featuring a motorized screw feeding system combined with a ball screw linear module motion system. It supports 4 axes and is San Draw's flagship model for 2024. • Based on the design of S180 and S300, S400’s 4 axes can print with two sets of two-part silicone or use water-soluble support material, making it a highly versatile and professional-grade silicone 3D printer that meets a wide range of applications and needs. • S400是全球第一部使用馬達螺桿供料系統搭配滾珠螺桿線性模組運動系統,並支援四個供料軸的大型矽膠3D列印機,為三遞2024年全新推出的旗艦機型 • 奠基於S180以及S300的設計,S400的四個料軸可以列印兩款雙液矽膠,或是搭配水溶性支撐材列印,打造更具備全面性功能的專業級矽膠3D列印機,滿足更廣泛的應用和族群需求 • • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Contact us for a quote or a demo printing: https://www.sandraw.com/contact • 聯繫我們獲取型錄及列印諮詢! • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • SanDraw was founded in 2014, and we develop the world's first silicone 3D Printing technology FAM, which stands for Fluid Additive Manufacturing. FAM is specially designed for LSR and RTV silicones, and many of our silicones are certified by ISO10993, making it suitable for a wide range of applications like medical trainer, soft robotics, seal, and insole. • 三遞是一間矽膠3D列印設備製造商,是台灣少數具備全產品研發能力的3D印表機廠商,從列印技術、列印材料、軟體、硬體的關鍵技術都由公司掌握。三遞於2014年發表流體積層製造技術,簡稱FAM技術,是全球第一個矽膠3D列印技術,目前全機種均搭載FAM技術。經過多年的努力,三遞於2020年推出全球第一部非氣壓供料方式的雙液型矽膠3D列印機S200,於2021年推出全球第一部中型列印範圍的矽膠3D列印機S052,於2022年推出全球第一部支援水溶性支撐材的S300矽膠3D列印機,2024年推出全球第一部大型雙噴頭四軸的S400矽膠3D列印機。面對激烈的競爭,三遞將持續優化設備的性能,並研發更多元的列印材料,維持在市場上的領先地位,並擴大競爭優勢,期許成為3D列印界的台灣之光。 • 👉聯繫與追蹤: • -官方網站Official Website: https://www.sandraw.com/ ,了解設備細節下載型錄看這邊 • -Line: @961pjivz,購機打樣聊聊看這邊 • -Facebook: / san.draw.3dprinting • -Instagram: / sandraw3d • -Twitter: / sandraw3d ,追蹤英文動態看這邊! • -Linkedin: / san-draw-inc • • 🕹️#Subscribe🕹️ • #矽膠列印 #3d列印 #軟料列印 #食物列印 #凝膠列印 #生物列印 #矽膠 #FAM #三遞 #S400 #SanDraw • #silicone #3dprinting #3dprinter #silicone3dprinting #lsr #silicone3dprinter #siliconemold #siliconerubber #siliconeparts