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POWERFUL TEACHING • • OUR PURPOSE • IS PROVIDE POWERFUL LIFE APPLICATIONAL TEACHING THAT WILL EQUIP, EMPOWER, EDUCATE, AND ENCOURAGE YOUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY • • OUR JCC MISSION • Is to touch one life with our teachings so that person will be used by GOD to touch a million more lives. We're hoping and praying you are that PERSON • • POWERFUL LESSON • OUR CALL • We are a Virtual Ministry spreading the gospel of CHRIST through LIFE APPLICATION: Bible Study, Sunday School lessons, Word-studies, Sermons, OUTREACH, and any others means as led by the SPIRIT of the ALMIGHTY GOD. In our efforts, we attempt to provide accurate biblical insights and information. We seek no accolades; just too do the WILL OF GOD in that HIS WORD and HIS Message may touch a life in order to bring one to a closer relationship with HIM. It is our desire that GOD may use this ministry as a platform to touch a life that will in-term do a powerful work in HIS HOLY NAME. • • OUR MOTTO: • We have a motto in that we realize we only have one voice so we want that voice to be heard as the WORD of GOD goes forth. • • OUR DEDICATION: • We dedicate our efforts and ministry to GOD for HIM to do as HE pleases. May our efforts bring glory to HIS HOLY and RIGHTEOUS NAME. We only ask that our HEAVENLY FATHER use us and this ministry as HE see fit. We ask this to be according to the HOLY WILL FATHER and not our own. We pray our teaching and preaching are a blessing to the hearers and doers of GOD'S Holy Word. As we first and foremost pray our efforts please our Heavenly FATHER and then next you. If our efforts have pleased you, help us get the word out by simply sharing this teachings and/or preaching with others who need to hear a word. May the LORD bless you and keep you now and forevermore. • • TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US - Visit us on our webpage: https://www.jordanchristiancenter.com... • • PRAYER REQUEST: if you are in need of prayer - submit an anonymous prayer request that only our prayer team be able to view at: https://www.jordanchristiancenter.com...... • **NO name required just say pray and GOD knows the person in need. Thank you*** • • Click for JCC 2nd ministries YouTube channel: UCEBOj1F8HDMqgJNCPNdSRBA • FACEBOOK: https://www.com/jordan.christian.7528... • INSTAGRAM:   / _jordanchri.  . • #WATERFROMTHEROCK #JCCMinistries​​​​​ #jordanchristiancenter​​​​ • #UGPJCCteacher​​​​​​​​​​ #UGPsundayschoollesson​​​​​​​​​​ #JCCTEACHERUGP​​​​​​​​​​ #UGPSUNDAYSchool​​​​​​​​​​ #blackyoutube​​​​​​​​​​ • #prayer​​​​​​​​​​ #worship​​​​​​​​​​, #bible​​​​​​​​​​ #biblestudy​​​​​​​​​​ #churchonline​​​​​​​​​​ #CHURCH​​​​​​​​​​ #DEVOTION​​​​​​​​​​ #SUNDAYSCHOOLINSESSION​​​​​​​ #SUNDAYSCHOOL​​​​​​​​​​ #JORDANCHRISTIANCENTERSUNDAYSCHOOL​​​​​​​​​​ • #JCCSUNDAYSCHOOLSESSIONWHERESUNDAYSCHOOLMATTERSTO​​GOD


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