Division 2 TU22 Pestilence LMG Build Solo Heroic Mission Gameplay
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=ReRM6jmELZk
Expand for Loadout used Notes on build. • Mask - Hotshot | Crit Chance | Crit Chance Mod • Chest - Palisade's | Obliterate | Crit Chance/Crit Damage | Crit Damage Mod • Backpack - Petrov | Vigilance | Crit Damage/Weapon Handling | Crit Damage Mod • Gloves - Eagle's Grasp | Weapon Handling/Crit Chance • Holster - Petrov | Weapon Handling/Crit Chance • Kneepads - Hotshot | Crit Chance • Primary - Pestilence • Specialization - Gunner • Skills: Riot Foam Explosive Seeker Mine • Build Description: • Pestilence feels a lot better after TU22's balance changes. I would almost say it's a bit overtuned and somewhat balanced by it's reload speed. • This Pestilence build doesn't go for highest Damage/tick Damage. It focuses on lowering that reload speed. Without any attributes, Pestilence has a reload speed of around 4.39 seconds. This setup pushes that down to 2.75 seconds, closer to some Rifles, and ARs. The quicker my reload, the sooner I can keep shooting to deal damage and add more stacks. • With that in mind, the gear choices are as follows. 2pc Hotshot for 30% Weapon Handling. 1pc Eagle's Grasp for 15% Weapon Handling and the additional mag size. 2pc Petrov for LMG Damage and 15% Weapon Handling. Then 1pc Palisade's just for some armor on kill to pair it with Gunner's armor on kill. The rest of the attributes are pretty much just mostly Crit Chance and Crit Damage and a couple rolls for Weapon Handling. This gave me a balance of damage and reload speed that I liked. I could replace the weapon handling rolls for crit damage if I want to scale up damage or swap out some crit damage for for weapon handling to lower the reload speed some more. • Went with Obliterate and Vigilance for some unconditional damage. Obliterate I just need to shoot to build stacks. Vigilance, if I get hit, I just stay in cover a few seconds to turn it back on. Other ones like Glass Cannon is riskier then I personally like. Companion requires me to use specific skills that stay near me. Spark and Wicked also forces me to use certain skills to activate those damage. I wanted more Freedom so went with Obliterate and Vigilance. Palisade's, I would say is the flex spot, that can be swapped for something like Memento or even Ninjabike. Ninjabike would free up some of the other spots for additional brand bonuses. You essentially give up a backpack talent to add something like more regen and armor on kill with Belstone or even more LMG damage with a piece of Heartbreaker. If Vigilance is too risky and off mostly, then Memento or Ninjabike could be good alternatives. • Gunner for Armor on Kill. Riot Foam is always a staple on my builds for it's strong CC ability. I'm using an Explosive Seeker Mine just because, this can be anything. Demolisher Firefly is probably more useful. Revive hive can be used. Striker drone for damage and to draw aggro away. Decoy to draw aggro away. Whatever works best for the content. • This setup gives me a very stable and very accurate Pestilence so landing shots is very easy. Reloads are relatively quick for an LMG so I can continuously lay down shots to build stacks and put out damage. There's setups to maximize the Pestilence damage/tick damage, but those tend to have longer reloads and I personally dislike having long reloads. • The updated Pestilence can put things down very fast and is very strong. It can go in just about any build after TU22. Ongoing Directive and Umbra are 2 I think it works well in since both those also provide reductions to reload speed. • Timestamp: • 0:00 Build Snapshot • 0:11 Mission Starts - Parking Garage Entrance • 0:56 Parking Garage • 1:18 Workbench Room • 2:08 Planetarium Room • 3:02 Crashed Space Shuttle/Plane Room • 3:27 Mars Room • 4:00 Rocket Room - Top Floor • 4:18 Rocket Room - Bottom Floor • 5:18 Final Boss Room • 6:19 Outro • #thedivision2 #division2