Quite the offensive one today. • Valorant Rule 34, you love to see it. • • Music by: • -Kevin MacLeod: • -Premium Beat: • -Epidemic Sound: • -Audio Jungle: • Licensed under Creative Commons • Not gonna lie, coming up with a creative description for this game isnt something i want to spend time doing, so here is my overwatch description, • When every door closes, • • • Another edgy child then runs to his computer to play widowmaker x genji roleplay. • I apologise for the minor errors at that end but I'm a disappointment to my family, so welcome to the party. • Every mistake made in this video is made up in the last 10 seconds. • I dont know what else to write so here is a randomly generated story with my keywords: • Kill me looked at the sexy hawk in her hands and felt racist. • She walked over to the window and reflected on her fist surroundings. She had always loved small maccies with its encouraging, eggy eggs. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel racist. • Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Virginia Plumb. Virginia was a foxy ogre with ample fingers and ugly eyes. • Kill gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was an edgy, memelord, cocoa drinker with handsome fingers and brown eyes. Her friends saw her as a dead, decomposing do gooder. Once, she had even revived a dying, old lady. • But not even an edgy person who had once revived a dying, old lady, was prepared for what Virginia had in store today. • The rain hammered like dicking monkeys, making Kill rawr. • As Kill stepped outside and Virginia came closer, she could see the old-fashioned smile on her face. • Virginia gazed with the affection of 9647 please die handsome humming birds. She said, in hushed tones, I love you and I want a meme. • Kill looked back, even more rawr and still fingering the sexy hawk. Virginia, call me sugar daddy, she replied. • They looked at each other with feminist feelings, like two lively, light lizards licking at a very horny funeral, which had flute music playing in the background and two joker uncles fisting to the beat. • Kill regarded Virginia's ample fingers and ugly eyes. I feel the same way! revealed Kill with a delighted grin. • Virginia looked dad, her emotions blushing like a teeny-tiny, testy torch. • Then Virginia came inside for a nice mug of cocoa. • #valorant #rule34