Has Gelays Duck Left Her Channel
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=ReyX6NBF7Ck
Oh no! Has Gelay's beloved ducky (shown in the left pane) jumped ship and gone to another YouTube creator's livestream? • Mashou is most likely just moonlighting for either publicity or to earn extra funds to help with Gelay's budget, perhaps an appearance fee by the other streamer? LOL • Actually, the cute clip-on duck toys are being sold by street vendors in Dumaguete, Philippines, and are currently a trend. • Music: A Beautiful Dream by Cruen • Music license purchased from PremiumBeat by shutterstock • Please like, share, comment and subscribe to my YouTube channel. • Brian May: Sunsets and Life • / @brianmaydotca • Cheers and thanks. • #gelay #Gelayanduntoldstories #gelaytravelchannel #filipina #filipinavlogger #filipinacontentcreator #philippines #ducky #dumaguete #livestream #livestreams #livestreamer #brianmaysunsetsandlife #brianmaydotaca #brianmay #YouTubelivestreamer #YouTubecontentcreator