Enrico Isamu Oyama “Like A Prime Number” Daiwa AngloJapanese Foundation London 2016

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Enrico Isamu Oyama “Like A Prime Number” • Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, London • 26 February - 11 April, 2016 • Like A Prime Number is the second U.K. solo exhibition by artist Enrico Isamu Oyama held at Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation in London. Oyama is best known for the signature style Quick Turn Structure (QTS): minimal, free-flowing motif of repetitive lines, developed from the visual language of graffiti culture. QTS is perceived by the artist as an infinite driving force with its own life, one that inhabits a higher dimension invisible to us. As a mediator, the artist temporarily summons QTS into the physical world and captures the fragmented imprints of its unstoppable motion, visualizing them on a plethora of surfaces. • Whilst the overall picture of QTS itself remains unseen, its physical manifestations are channelled into unique art pieces from one specific moment in time. These pieces are called FFIGURATI, a coined term by the artist referring to the word “graffiti” and the Italian expression “figùrati” (literally translated as “figure it out yourself”), numbered in the order of their creation. • Oyama envisions each FFIGURATI like a prime number. Although they are both a part of an infinite continuous entity larger than themselves, they are simultaneously brought to this world as specific, one-time-only singularities generated out of the metaphysical continuity. Discovering a pattern within the neverending series of prime numbers has been a longstanding mystery in the history of mathematics; similarly, pinpointing the structure and form of QTS is something even the artist himself is not fully aware of. • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Exhibition: • Enrico Isamu Oyama “Like A Prime Number” • Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation (London, United Kingdom) • 26 February - 11 April, 2016 • Events: • Artist Presentation • Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation (London, United Kingdom) • 4 March, 2016 • Guest Speaker: Lena Fritsch (Assistant Curator, Tate Modern) • Exhibition video: • Directed and edited by Tsuyoshi Anzai • Photographed by Tom Carter • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Special Thanks: • Jason James, Shihoko Ogawa, Silvia Caso, Lena Fritsch, Rupert Hughes, Liz Wharmby, Adrian Favell,Tom Carter, Tsuyoshi Anzai, Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation and all the others who supported the project. • Artwork © 2016 Enrico Isamu Ōyama • http://www.enricoisamuoyama.net


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