Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together. • Swahili is the most widely spoken Bantu language by number of speakers. It has over 200 million speakers. Tanzania, Kenya and Mozambique (along the East African coast and adjacent littoral islands) • Escarpment Dogon is a continuum of dialects spoken along the Bandiagara Escarpment, in Mali with three principal dialects. Toro So was chosen as the official standard dialect due to its central location and commonalities with many Dogon languages, making it suitable for educational and official contexts. However, Jamsay Dogon is considered the prestige variety and is used for radio broadcasts. • This video is created for educational, language awareness, and language preservation purposes. It aims to provide valuable insights and knowledge to viewers, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of different languages and their unique characteristics. By raising awareness about linguistic diversity, the video seeks to foster a greater respect and recognition for various languages, particularly those that are endangered or underrepresented. Additionally, it contributes to the preservation of languages by documenting and sharing linguistic knowledge, thus ensuring that these languages and their cultural heritage are not lost to future generations. • Please feel free to subscribe to see more of this. • I hope you have a great day! Stay happy! • Please support me on Patreon! • • Please support me on Ko-fi • • If you are interested to see your native language/dialect featured here. • Submit your recordings to [email protected]. • Looking forward to hearing from you!


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