The Truth about Candida what works what doesnt


Candida Albicans is more than just yeast- for most people, it's already mutated into a more aggressive fungal form that eats holes through the intestinal tract, causing many of todays health problems like food allergies, autoimmune disorders, Crohn's disease, IBS, low energy and many more aggressive diseases. Here I discuss what it is and what to do about it. • Candida’s function is to serve as a backup digestive system when our primary system becomes overwhelmed. Candida metabolizes “dead” material in our bodies; material that is too difficult or toxic for our digestive systems to handle. A healthy immune system keeps our Candida under control and in its yeast form as opposed to the Candida getting out of control and digressing to its fungal state. Antibiotics are one cause of our Candida getting out of control. Sugar, flour, breads, and the like facilitate an unhealthy Candida. Once your Candida gets to the fungal state it generates “Hyphae” which ultimately cause its fingerlike projections to dig into our intestines affecting the permeability of the intestinal walls. Among other things, that can result into “Leaky Gut” and cause very serious health conditions. Eating the right kinds of foods such as fruits, and uncooked vegetables will keep our Candida in perfect balance. • The main thing that overgrowth of our Candida causes is damage to our intestinal walls.. • • The intestinal tract is an important site for C. albicans dissemination. The mechanisms that allow C. albicans to break through the intestinal mucosal barrier are quite complex…. • Stop feeding the Candida with sugar, bread, pastas, flour, pastries, etc… • • Abstract. Conclusions: The effect of adding a high amount of refined carbohydrates to the diet of healthy human subjects has a limited influence on Candida colonization. • Probiotics breaks down the sugars to a fermentation state • • Because yeast feeds on carbohydrates, a food plan must be followed that starves yeast of its main fuel: simple sugars. Additional support in the form of healthy bacteria, called Probiotics, is also used to compete with Candida in the intestines, resulting in a rebalancing of the microflora. • Best way to build up your Probiotics is fiber ….or Prebiotics. • • Microecology of the gastrointestinal tract is the physiologic basis for the effect of dietary fiber, prebiotics and probiotics on the host. The ecology consists of the gastrointestinal tract, primarily the intestines, the foods that are fed into the tract, and the flora living within. Within this ecology, normal flora and probiotics, ferment dietary fiber and prebiotics to produce short chain fatty acids and substances that are absorbed and effect the host at the intestinal level and systemically. In this review, we will discuss the effects of prebiotics, probiotics and dietary fiber in gastrointestinal disorders and diseases. • Best fibers are vegetable fibers • • Dietary fiber analyses were carried out using Southgate's method, Southgate, 1978, on 15 types of leafy vegetables and five types each of fruit-vegetables, leguminous vegetables and fruits. The non-cellulosic fractions were always higher than the cellulosic and lignin fraction. Total dietary fiber contents were highest in leguminous vegetables, 3·3–6·8 g/100 g, followed by the leafy vegetables, 1·2–4·8 g/100 g, and finally, the fruit-vegetables, 1·4–4·2 g/100 g. The fiber contents of fruit samples were relatively low, 1·5–2·9 g/100 g. In comparison with crude fiber values, the dietary fiber values were always higher. • • • • • •


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