Aftermath of a crisis VPRO documentary 2011


Shortly after the beginning of the financial crisis of 2008 sociologist Manuel Castells gathered a small group of international top intellectuals to ponder the crisis. While the crisis expanded, Castells named his group 'The Aftermath Network', a reference to the new world which according to him will emerge from the ashes of the crisis. Members of the Aftermath Network think there is not only a financial and economic crisis, but also a social and cultural crisis that brings a fundamental change in the European and American societies. • How is it that, three years after the fall of Lehman Brothers and the subsequent rescue of banks with public money, the public sector is suffering from extreme austerity while the banking sector continues to make big profits? What has one to do with the other? The thinkers of Aftermath come together every summer in Lisbon. Meanwhile, the crisis is changing radically. Manuel Castells (sociologist), Terhi Rantanen (communication scientist), Michel Wieviorka (sociologist), Sarah Banet -Weiser (cultural scientist), Rosalind Williams (historian) and John Thompson (sociologist) analyze the crisis in all its forms and offer new, surprising perspectives. • Originally broadcasted by VPRO in 2011. • © VPRO Backlight August 2011 • On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series. • VPRO Documentary publishes one new subtitled documentary about current affairs, finance, sustainability, climate change or politics every week. We research subjects like politics, world economy, society and science with experts and try to grasp the essence of prominent trends and developments. • Subscribe to our channel for great, subtitled, recent documentaries. • Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast: • VPRO Broadcast, all international VPRO programs:    / vprobroadcast   • VPRO DOK, German only documentaries:    / @vprodok   • VPRO Metropolis, remarkable stories from all over the world:    / vprometropolis   • VPRO World Stories, the travel series of VPRO:    / vproworldstories   • VPRO Extra, additional footage and one off's:    / @vproextra3443   • • Credits: • Director: Bregtje van der Haak • Research: Gerko Wessel • Camera: Jean Counet • Sound: Joris van Ballegoijen • Producer: Helen Goossens, Marie Schutgens • Commissioning editors: Henneke Hagen Jos de Putter • English, French and Spanish subtitles: Ericsson. • French and Spanish subtitles are co-funded by European Union.


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