Beat Saber Crab Rave Noisestorm EXPERT
Beat Saber v0.13.1 OFFICIAL launched this song. Hilarious. This makes me happy. • I updated to new version(v0.13.1) .. and In-game FRAMERATE PROBLEM occur again!! My HMD display frame was very bad during this game play. You'll know that my move is uncomfortable than usual. • Sadly, This frame issues occur when I using other tools such as LIV for video recording only. The Framerate issue isn't from Beat Saber. It's a Unity engine issue that also happens on other games. • Unfortunately, This bug a real pain for VR streamers. Unity, Why are you still not fixing it, WHY??! :( • Song : Crab Rave - Noisestorm • YouTube: / makeumove • Twitch: / makeumov • Thanks for Watching!