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More Celebrity News ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverNews • Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart hung out together in L.A. recently and fans are freaking out. • No, this is not a joke. • Robsten fans, don’t freak out, but Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were spotted hanging out in Los Angeles a few days ago by multiple people. And no, this wasn’t a “hangout” where they just so happened to be at the same event but then didn’t interact once; they literally walked into a bar together, sat down, got drinks, and were chillin’ like BFFs. • A girl named Leah Cordova tweeted QUOTE “Was just at bar enjoying my friends birthday and in comes Robert Pattinson which blew my Twilight mind up, and then Kristen Stewart walked in and now I’m reliving my highschool Twilight fantasies.” • She was obviously hounded by inquisitive Robsten fans who were freaking out over the news and later told them that Rob and Kristen “seemed like two friends hanging out.” • Leah’s account is similar to that of another spectator who said she also saw the pair that night. • She tweeted QUOTE “They were just having drinks at the bar, like everyone else there.” • If two eyewitness accounts aren’t enough for you, don’t worry — there’s one more person who spotted the exes that night. • The tweet reads QUOTE “When you’re just innocently at a bar in LA and suddenly Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart appear right in front of you. EDWARD AND BELLA IN THE SPARKLY FLESH”   / 963135801499385856   • There are unfortunately no pictures of the exes together, but with so many people saying the same thing fans of the duo still felt pretty comfortable freaking out about the reunion. • One person wrote on Twitter QUOTE “Kristen and Rob not only in the same building, but actually talking to each other?!!! My #Robsten heart! Don’t play with me!” • Someone else said QUOTE “MAYBE ROB AND KRIS DECIDED TO MEET AGAIN CAUSE THEY’VE GROWN A BIT OLDER, GOT A LITTLE MORE MATURE, LEARN MORE ABOUT LIFE BUT THEY STILL COULDN’T FORGET EACH OTHER AND NOW THEY’RE LIKE MAYBE WE COULD START OVER AGAIN. BUT THIS TIME IT MEANS FOREVER.” • Robert and Kristen met while filming Twilight in 2009 and started dating shortly after. Kristen ended up cheating on Rob with Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders in 2012 and while the pair tried to make their relationship work despite the scandal, they officially called it quits in May 2013. • As far as everyone knows, KStew is still in a relationship with Victoria’s Secret model Stella Maxwell, so it doesn’t appear that she and RPattz are anything more than just friends at this point. But who knows what could happen in the future! What do you think of Robsten hanging out again? Do you think they’ll end up getting back together? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below and then click here to get the details about Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder’s recent reunion. I’m your host Emile Ennis Jr thanks so much for watching Clevver and I’ll see you next time. • • For More Clevver Visit: • There are 2 types of people: those who follow us on Facebook and those who are missing out   / clevver   • Keep up with us on Instagram: http://instagr.am/Clevver • Follow us on Twitter:   / clevvertv   • Website: http://www.clevver.com • • Add us to your circles on Google+: http://google.com/+ClevverNews • Tweet Me:   / emileennisjr  


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