PENNYWISE INVADES TOYCON 2022 PART 1 IT is back on scaring attendees with GIRLYWISE
Pennywise terrorizes a convention AGAIN this year 2022! Also this marks my very first cosplay booth in a national convention! • My Pennywise Makeup Tutorial here: • • Pennywise Makeup Tutorial (IT Chapter... • My name is Prince De Guzman, a geek who has an undying love for horror and anything grotesque. I am an actor, model, and host but my channel is a whole new different world; my own happy place to channel my talent in special effects and express my love for ghouls and monsters! • I made a fan group/community in Facebook! Hope you can join so we can interact more! Link here: / 2953380508025307 • Follow me in my Social Media accounts: • Facebook: / princedeguzmantransformations • Instagram: / theprincedeguzman • Twitter: @PrinceDeGzmn • #PennywiseTheClown #Pennywise #Girlywise #PrinceDeGuzman #PrinceDeGuzmanTransformations #PrinceDeGuzman #PennywiseCosplay #Cosplay #ToyconPhilippines