Explore STUNNING Beauty of Buenos Aires Argentina walking tour
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Explore Stunning Beauty of Buenos Aires Argentina The most beautiful capital city in south America called also Paris of America.Join me on a relaxing walk through the beautiful streets of Buenos Aires in stunning 4k quality. This virtual walking tour will take you through iconic landmarks and hidden gems, allowing you to experience the vibrant culture of Buenos Aires from the comfort of your own home.You can see Puerto Madero • Get lost in the charming architecture, bustling markets, and lively streets of Buenos Aires as we guide you through this 4k walking tour. Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the city as you virtually explore all that Buenos Aires has to offer. • Buenos Aires is often considered the most beautiful capital city in South America, and in this 4K walking tour, we'll show you why! From the vibrant San Telmo Market to the stunning Floralis Genérica to the majestic Buenos Aires Metropolitan Cathedral, get ready to explore the beauty of Argentina with me • 00:00 intro • 01:00 start Plaza Dorrego • 33:00 Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur • 1:00:23 se ve la Aduana de Buenos Aires. • 1:00:29 se ve el edificio Libertador (sede del Ministerio de Defensa de Argentina) • 1:26:00 se ve el Centro Cultural Kirchner (CCK) • 1:31:37 plaza de armas • 1:31:27 se ve la Plaza de Mayo con la Casa Rosada. • 1:34:50 se puede ver la Catedral de Buenos Aires sobre la derecha, y el antiguo Cabildo sobre la izquierda. • 1:39:23 El Obelisco • 2:07:35 llega a la Plaza del Congreso. • 2:10:16 Plaza Mariano Moreno • 2:11:11 Monumento a los Dos Congresos • 2:12:13 Congreso de la Nación Argentina • 2:21:57 (el edificio rosado) es la terminal de Trenes de Constitución. • 2:23:00 ingresa en la terminal de trenes de Constitución. • #shorts #buenosaires #argentina #viagens #férias #turismo #passeios #cidade #arquitetura #cultura #história #buenosaires #argentina #viajes #vacaciones #turismo #turismo #ciudad #arquitectura #cultura #historia • @PeteWanderer