John McCain Closing Guantanamo Bay


Complete video at: • • 2008 Republican Presidential candidate John McCain discusses his opposition to the U.S. military detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and explains his views on the rights of suspected terrorists. • • ----- • • Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain discusses the world economy with Aspen Institute president and CEO Walter Isaacson. • • John Sidney McCain III, is the Republican senior U.S. Senator from Arizona. He is currently the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, and serves on the Armed Services, and Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committees. He was a presidential candidate in the 2000 election, but was defeated by George W. Bush for the Republican nomination. McCain formally announced his candidacy for the 2008 presidential election on April 25, 2007. • • Walter Isaacson is the President and CEO of the Aspen Institute. He has been the Chairman and CEO of CNN and the Managing Editor of Time Magazine. He is the author of Benjamin Franklin: An American Life (2003) and of Kissinger: A Biography (1992) and is the coauthor of The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made (1986). His biography of Albert Einstein - Einstein: His Life and Universe - was released in April 2007.


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