Top 10 Torrent Websites


The top 10 Torrent Websites for 2015 • Here are the links to these websites, enjoy! • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • More Information: • Number one - - the google for torrents. How epic is that? We heard you like browsing for torrents, so we made a meta search engine so you can search all torrent sites while you search for torrents. All in all, it combines most of the famous torrent websites like kickasstorrents and thepiratebay and lets you choose from which tracker you download. Epic nice! • Number two - Kickasstorrents (or K.A.T.) - With an Alexa ranking of 151, kickasstorrent takes second place in our list. The tracker has multiple websites located in different countries (for God knows what reason), it has user-friendly design and is translated in more than 30 languages. • Number three - good old PirateBay - we placed it on the third spot due to the recent troubles it had and its demise to an Alexa rating of under 2000. Nonetheless, it maintains around 6 million unique visitors who upload and download torrent files freely. • Number Four - extratorrent - Yep, this torrent site may not be the best, or the coolest, but a lot of people visit it and it has a lot of torrents, so we place it on fourth position. We go where the people go. And the people go to… • Number Five - Isohunt. Yea baby! Isohunt is back in the game. After it was brought down by the M.P.A.A back in 2013, it has risen from the ashes with a new domain name and a different host country. • Number Six - - Yes, it is a Russian torrent tracker, and its huge! Like the bear that Vladimir Putin rides on his way to work. Dont be afraid of the Russian language, you can easily translate it, just right click somewhere on the website and click ‘Translate to English’ or any other language (for Chrome users). You can find a lot of movies, books and music that you won’t find in other torrent trackers! • Number Seven - Yts (Y.T.S.) - You may not have heard of this cute website, but trust me, it is fresh and funky and high quality, like, literally! Apart from being mesmerized by its clean design, you can browse and download 3D, 1080p and 720p quality movies. Add to that a chat area, facebook like page, RSS feed and data backup schedule services and you get a torrent site that will surely become one of the big boys in no time! • Number Eight - TorrentHound - A steady torrent site with over 4.5 million torrents, it is one of the largest P2P sites in the world. It is easy to browse with enough ‘white space’ on the sidebars for all of you old and young folks! • • Number Nine - - Again, a website that has gone through some trouble, but has risen from the dead. It used to be a place where you can stay informed and learn which torrents are bad. It is a private membership community and it used to be a place with great reputation, will it become one again, we will find out soon! • Number Ten - Zamunda - This one is a bonus from us. It has a lot of unique information in it and in order to upload, you have to create an account. The catch here is that you need a proxy in order to access it. But don’t you worry friend, you can become a power user and download with lightning speed. • • Music: • Whatfunk - Silhouette (copyright free) • Eduard Khil - I am very glad, because I'm finally returning back home • Again, thanks for watching! Don't forget to like and subscribe :)


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