Baritone Ukulele C Chord EASY Tutorial for Beginners
Welcome! In today's video we will learn how to play C chord on Baritone Ukulele! Please note: the baritone ukulele is DIFFERENT than the soprano, concert, and tenor ukuleles. The strings on this instrument are tuned as D G B E. • If you don't have a baritone ukulele yet, consider buying one so that you can follow along on this series ;) the one I'm playing in this video has been discontinued, but you can look at these other two • Oscar Schmidt Baritone Ukulele • • Kala Makala Baritone ukulele • • In this EASY tutorial for beginners we will learn where to put our fingers and how to avoid buzzing and muting. • If you would like to see more baritone ukulele tutorials on this channel, let me know by leaving a comment and giving this video a like! • *** • F A C E B O O K • / bernadetteteachesmusic • T E A C H E R S P A Y T E A C H E R S • • E M A I L • [email protected] • WRITE TO ME HERE • Bernadette Etcheverry • PSC 482 BOX 28 • FPO, AP 96362 • • Hi! My name is Ms. B and I am a happy ukulele teacher working in Okinawa, Japan. I love technology, I love learning more about the ukulele, and I love helping beginners. • I hope you found value in my video. Please let me know if there is a video I can make that will help you.