Minecraft 116 Mending Villager 20 Second Tutorial
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There are 38 enchantments as of Minecraft 1.16 and there is an equal chance for all when trading (except Soul Speed which can only be obtained via bartering with piglins), so you have a 2.7% chance of getting a mending book trade from a librarian if there's a book trade, but please note that not every time will a book trade appear in the first two listed trades. While this may seem low, refreshing the trade only takes a few seconds with the introduction of villager workstations. How long this method will take is completely up to luck. Trading to unlock more will stop this method from working because it will level up the villager, meaning they won’t lose their profession when you remove the workstation. To repeat: DO NOT TRADE WITH THE VILLAGER UNTIL YOU GET YOUR DESIRED BOOK. • Once you get one with a mending trade, lock its trades in by trading with it. Now the profession cannot be reset. • The lowest possible starting price for book trades is 5 emeralds, but that's multiplied by two if it's a treasure enchantment (meaning you can't get them from an enchanting table, which includes Frost Walker, Mending, and Curse of Binding and Vanishing). This means the best deal for a mending book is 10 emeralds. To improve this price you can get a zombie to turn your villager into a zombie villager, heal it back to a villager with a golden apple and weakness potion, and they'll thank you by reducing their price to 1 emerald (but only for you, not other players on a server). • A good way to farm emeralds is to make an auto melon/pumpkin farm (I recommend ilmango's compact design here • New Efficient Simple Melon/Pumpkin Fa... , just replace the noteblocks with redstone dust for 1.16). Etho has a method where he buys discounted bookshelves, breaks them to get 3 books each from them, then sells the villager the books, which yields an emerald profit. The villager system is pretty broken and they're easy to exploit. • Just find an unemployed villager, grab a lectern, and get to work.