One Day 😅
When you leave the college - Jack ma • • Thanks for watching • This content doesn't belong to me, I have edited this video from the respective owner's content. I just thought to edit the respective video and share it for awareness and for learning purpose only.. If the owner of the content has any issue . Please send us a e-mail regarding it . So , we will discuss about that and sort out the further outcome.. • This video is only for educational purpose . Under the Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, there is an allowance for 'fair use' of copyrighted material for such purposes as education and research, scholarship, criticism, news reporting, comment, and teaching. • • #shorts #jackma #alibaba #jackmamotivation #education #motivation #fails #failure #success #entrepreneur #risk #challenges #graduation #graduate #bussiness #study #speech #learnwithranjan