Sunbirds of India 🇮🇳 Birds Indian Birds
Sunbirds of India: There are 13 species of Sunbirds found in India, the state-wise details are as follows, • Andaman Nicobar Islands - Olive Backed Sunbird • Arunachal Pradesh - Fire Tailed Sunbird, Green Tailed Sunbird, Mrs Gould’s Sunbird • Himachal Pradesh - Crimson Sunbird • Uttarakhand - Crimson Sunbird, Fire Tailed Sunbird, Green Tailed Sunbird, Mrs Gould’s Sunbird • Indian Subcontinent – Purple Rumped Sunbird, Purple Sunbird • Himalayas - Black Throated Sunbird, Crimson Sunbird, Green Tailed Sunbird, Mrs Gould’s Sunbird • South India – Crimson Backed Sunbird, Loten’s Sunbird • North East India - Black Throated Sunbird, Crimson Sunbird, Fire Tailed Sunbird, Green Tailed Sunbird, Mrs Gould’s Sunbird, Olive Backed Sunbird, Ruby Cheeked Sunbird, Van Hasselt’s Sunbird • 13 beautiful species of sunbirds are found in India • Black Throated Sunbirds are found in Himalayas and North East India. Long-tailed male is dark above with a paler belly, wine-red back and breast and a purplish-blue crown. Female is predominantly greenish-brown with paler underparts, a gray wash over the head, and a pale rump patch. • Crimson Backed Sunbird is a stumpy, short-tailed sunbird of the Western Ghats. Male has a glossy dark green cap, a red back and chest, a dark purplish throat, and an off-white belly. Female has brown upperparts, yellow-washed underparts, and a bright red rump. • Male Crimson Sunbird is bright red with a dark gray belly and iridescent blue cap and “moustache.” Female is dull olive-yellow overall with brighter underparts. • Breeding male’s of the Fire Tailed Sunbird have long bright red tail which is unmistakable. Female is yellow-green with a grayish head and a rufous tinge to the tail. They are found in Arunachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and North East of India. • Male Green Tailed Sunbird’s bright greenish-blue head is much more noticeable than his tail. Female is olive-yellow with paler underparts and a grayish head. • Male Loten’s Sunbird is glossy purple with a deeply curved bill. Female, with her sharply demarcated white underparts and dark gray upperparts, is unmistakable. • Male Mrs Gould’s Sunbird is bright scarlet with a blue tail and yellow underparts. Female is duller, with olive upperparts, yellow underparts, and a grayish head. • Olive Backed Sunbird, is also known as the yellow-bellied sunbird. Male flashes an iridescent blue throat. Female has a yellow throat and eyebrow. They are found in the North East of India. • Purple Rumped Sunbird is a colorful bird; male has a green metallic crown and shoulder patch, a dark brown body with a purple rump, a purple throat, lemon-yellow underparts, and whitish flanks. Female is light grayish-brown above and pale yellow below. • Breeding male of the Purple Sunbird is metallic blue and purple overall with maroon feathers on the breast. Female is olive above and yellow below. • Ruby Cheeked Sunbird is a tiny bird with a short sharp bill. Male’s metallic green upperparts, wine-red cheeks, and bright orange throat and chest are unmistakable. Female is less distinctive, but note her size, bill shape, and bright orange throat. • Male Van Hasselt’s Sunbird is black with an iridescent pink-red throat, a red belly, and a glistening blue-green crown. Female is extensively yellowish with a pale vent and a thin dark line through the eye. • Male Vigors’s Sunbird is bright red with a gray belly and iridescent blue-green tail and head markings. Female is dull gray overall with a paler belly. They are found in the Western Ghats of South India. • #Sunbirds #Birds #IndianBirds #NativeAnimals #Sunbird Native Animals Animal Bird Indian Birds Sunbird Humming Bird Hummingbird • Fauna of India: • Fauna of India 🇮🇳 | Fauna | Indian Fa... • Information Sources: Internet • Documentation: Amrita L Kutuva and Hansen Thambi Prem • Technical Support: Rohan Prem Hansen • Video Editing Software: • Intro and Outro:; • Number Background Sound: • Background Music: Magic by Allerlei von Nicolai; Music promoted by; Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License;