Jóhanna Gúðrún quotLÖNGU LIÐNIR DAGARquotencore Yohanna
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Rz2_RkjRyEQ
This is Jóhanna Guðrúns first TV performance with Löngu liðnir dagar , the first song of her gorgeous Christmas album JÓL MEÐ JÓHÖNNU , which was released on November 19th, 2020! • Last night I saw the entire show live on RÚV.is and I was once again completely blown away by my favorite singer and her wonderful song Löngu liðnir dagar , one of the most beautiful Christmas songs I´ve ever heard! But, believe me, the same is true of every single one of the ten tracks on Jóhanna's new Christmas album Jól með Jóhönnu . • And not enough that she presents one of her new songs, she also gave a great encore: the popular song Jól alla daga ! Yes, for me it's always a great pleasure to be such a big fan of Iceland's Most Beautiful voice! Hope you agree, when I write once again Jóhanna Gudrún is just unbeatable - in every way...♥️ • Tip: If you don't live in Iceland, but you want to buy Jóhannas album Jól með Jóhönnu you can order it online e.g. in the webstore of the record label Alda Music: • https://netverslun.aldamusic.is/produ... • It's availabe as CD and white vinyl disk, worldwide shipping and very kind and helpful service - I know it from experience (I bought CD and vinyl, you see I'm a BIG fan)! • Of course Jól með Jóhönnu is also available on all streaming services e.g. on Spotify: • https://open.spotify.com/album/54mlNa... • The video is an excerpt from the TV show Vikan með Gísla Marteini , first aired by the icelandic TV channel RÚV on November 27, 2020. • https://www.ruv.is/sjonvarp/spila/vik... • Löngu liðnir dagar was written by Jón Jónsson (music) and Einar Lövdahl Gunnlaugsson (lyrics) • • Jól alla daga was originally sung by Eiríkur Hauksson, composed by Roy Wood, the Icelandic lyrics were written by Jónatan Garðarsson