All The WINS with all the Dwarfs 🟡🟣 Amber Amethyst Lorcana Gameplay
#Lorcana #pixelborn #decktech • All The WINS with all the Dwarfs! 🟡🟣 Amber Amethyst Lorcana Gameplay • In this Disney Lorcana gameplay video, I play an Amber and Amethyst Seven Dwarfs deck. The dream of this deck is to play The Queen, Snow White and all Seven Dwarfs to complete the Disney Masterpiece! Naturally though Snow White Unexpected Houseguest makes all of our dwarfs cheaper to cast, and with their big butts and good questing we're actually a highly competitive deck that wins most games! • Doc Leader of the Seven Dwarfs is fantastic to help us ramp out more dwarfs, Bashful Hopeless Romantic is our biggest questing dwarf and will really close out games fast, and Grumpy Bad-Tempered is perfect for bolstering our team of dwarfs so we take out just as many characters when they attack into us! • Deck Link: • Patreon - / wintertooth100 • Discord - / discord • 00:00 Intro • 02:11 Vs. Amber Ruby • 07:21 Vs. Ruby Steel • 18:15 Vs. Steel Emerald • 24:09 Vs. Amethyst Ruby • 33:53 Vs. Amethyst Steel • 48:32 Outro