One Last Secret Be strong fear not
#John7:10, Jesus moved a lot in #secret! Why do you think he did so? Revealing secrets can #cause murder and destroy people’s #reputation and #trust. In the #Talmud it recommends that you abandon those who stand by and do nothing when a neighbor is at risk of losing their life! • The people around Jesus, were of two different #mindsets. Some focused on the #materialistic world thought Jesus was leading people #astray, while others who focused on God’s plan believed that Jesus was a #good man. • Why go up in secret? It is enabling us to see a separation and differences of two types of secrets. • Jesus’s #wisdom • We would not know what it is to operate in secret when fulfilling our #purposes had it not been for this text. “When his brethren were gone up then went he also unto the feast, not openly, but in secret.” • Why go in secret? Know yourself, your #strength, or you will not be #safe, or enjoy the #short-life God blesses us with. #Satan always #lead humanity to a dramatically different perception of God’s plan. So be #careful! Let God take #care of you! • The spiritual realm gives the physical realm understanding, #John7:7-10 here is the principle, if you do not want to be held back by people’s #fear, #dominance, and #envy, which is sometimes in your own family, #some things must be done in secret. • 1. #Job11:6 tells us divine wisdom is a secret. Revealed directly by God. • 2. Ps 44:21 God knows the secret of the heart. (Even the smallest matter). • 3. #Daniel2:28-29; 47 God is the #Revealer of secrets • In this physical realm, full of lies, robberies, strength and weaknesses. It is good to not do everything publicly for everyone to be impressed with your giftedness. We live in a divided world where many people believe in divide and conquer to dominate each other. • Protect your #life • #Proverbs11:13 A talebearer reveals secrets. Let’s use scripture to put this behavior in context. Revealing secrets has fragmented many relationships and isolated individuals and harmed us. • #Leviticus19:16 “Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shall thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor. • #Pray God’s wisdom helps us #control our #tongues that it won’t kill people. • Here are some reasons: • Hearing people’s #secrets and retelling it everywhere we go is a deadly sin. • Very mischievous even if the report is told without malice (Maimonides). If the report is true our actions are not harmless. Jesus #protected himself! • Don’t be afraid of people • If you are afraid of what might happen to you, it will overshadow you, you could tell the wrong person, and when you are in danger, people flee away, and no one among you show you mercy. (#Matthew26:31) they (left him) this is what Jesus said would happen. • Jesus did not want his brothers to reveal anything until God was #ready to reveal His plan to all the earth (#John3:16). • #1Corinthians14:24-25 Paul said if there are unbelievers, who hears a prophesy, and is convicted because the secret in their hearts, is manifested, they could worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth. Jesus went in secret because he did not want his #brothers revealing God’s #plan until God’s #appointed time. • Are secrets always a good idea? • #Romans2:16 Paul speaks of humans as two groups. • 1. Those whose secret sin is under the law (Israel) whatever we do. • 2. Those whose secret sin is not under the law (unbelievers) whatever they do. • Those accusing each other, “God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus.” Let every one take heed your works shall be revealed by fire!